





1、Wen Q, Zhao K, et al. Mechanism of Inhibition of MYC Protein Expression in Diffuse Large B-cell.(under review) l

2、Wen Q, Li Q, et al. Composite B-cell Lymphoma and Extranodal NK/T-cell Lymphoma Presented Lymphoma by Disulfiram. (under review) with Distinct Clone Evolution and Tumor Microenvironment.(under review) l

3、 Zheng X, Liu Z, Mi M, Wen Q, et al. Disulfiram Improves the Anti-PD-1 Therapy Efficacy by Regulating PD-L1 Expression via Epigenetically Reactivation of IRF7 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Front Oncol. 2021 Nov 10;11:734853.(IF=5.738) l

4、Mi M, Liu Z, Zheng X,Wen Q, et al.Serum metabolomic profiling based on GC/MS helped to discriminate Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma patients with different prognosis. Leuk Res. 2021Dec;111: 106693.(IF=3.715) l

5、Wen Q, Li X, et al. A new prognostic nomogram in patients with mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma:A multicenter retrospective study. Front Oncol.13:1123469.(IF=5.738) (The first author) l

6、Wang T, Wen Q, et al. Percutaneous Gastrostomy Compared with Esophageal Stent Placement for the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer with Dysphagia. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2021 Aug; 32(8):1215-1220.(IF=3. 682) (Co-first author)

7、文秋月,谭巧云,张利玲.2022年慢性淋巴细胞白血病/小淋巴细胞淋巴瘤的治疗进展[J].中国肿瘤临床与康复, 2020,17(01):13-17.(The first author) l

Zhao K, Wen Q, et al. Identifying oxidative stress key genes associated with prognosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.(under review)

共发表SCI 4篇,双核心期刊1篇。


关于调整我院基本医疗服务项目医保结算标准的公告 根据《广州市医疗保障局 广州市卫生健康委员会关于广州地区非公立定点医疗机构基本医疗服务医保结算标准的通知》规定,从2023年6月1日起,我院的基本医疗服务项目执行广州地区三级公立医院的医疗服务价格标准,即:停用原执行的“2015年版省定价目录”,改用“2021年版广州市定价目录”,新目录的诊疗项目更全面,对参保的人保障范围更广。具体的项目及价格查询可咨询我院工作人员。 特此公告。 疫苗预约请搜索关注“广州皇家丽肿瘤医院”官方公众号,进入小程序预约。我院HPV疫苗,定期在每周一上午10:00,皇家丽官方小程序放号(含九价、四价),可自行预约单针。 咨询电话:400-0086-222
1、Wen Q, Zhao K, et al. Mechanism of Inhibition of MYC Protein Expression in Diffuse Large B-cell.(under review) l

2、Wen Q, Li Q, et al. Composite B-cell Lymphoma and Extranodal NK/T-cell Lymphoma Presented Lymphoma by Disulfiram. (under review) with Distinct Clone Evolution and Tumor Microenvironment.(under review) l

3、 Zheng X, Liu Z, Mi M, Wen Q, et al. Disulfiram Improves the Anti-PD-1 Therapy Efficacy by Regulating PD-L1 Expression via Epigenetically Reactivation of IRF7 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Front Oncol. 2021 Nov 10;11:734853.(IF=5.738) l

4、Mi M, Liu Z, Zheng X,Wen Q, et al.Serum metabolomic profiling based on GC/MS helped to discriminate Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma patients with different prognosis. Leuk Res. 2021Dec;111: 106693.(IF=3.715) l

5、Wen Q, Li X, et al. A new prognostic nomogram in patients with mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma:A multicenter retrospective study. Front Oncol.13:1123469.(IF=5.738) (The first author) l

6、Wang T, Wen Q, et al. Percutaneous Gastrostomy Compared with Esophageal Stent Placement for the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer with Dysphagia. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2021 Aug; 32(8):1215-1220.(IF=3. 682) (Co-first author)

7、文秋月,谭巧云,张利玲.2022年慢性淋巴细胞白血病/小淋巴细胞淋巴瘤的治疗进展[J].中国肿瘤临床与康复, 2020,17(01):13-17.(The first author) l

Zhao K, Wen Q, et al. Identifying oxidative stress key genes associated with prognosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.(under review)

共发表SCI 4篇,双核心期刊1篇。

